Monday, April 21, 2014


Do not dwell in the past,
do not dream of the future,
concentrate the mind on the present moment


If there is anything I try to stick to with blogging it is to never apologize. Its been quiet on here- much more so than ever in the past. Sometimes purposeful, sometimes for lack of time. When I set out to post I want it to always be genuine, honest, and purely stemming from somewhere in my life. These days we have been soaking up spring, enjoying living life, and working on what will be my new web venture. Its taken a lot of energy! I still love this space but I can only spread so thin, you know? 

I love this quote- I love it because I need this reminder daily. I am a dreamer at heart. One of my more notable shortcomings is that I like to dream, make plans, set goals, and then forget the follow through ... oops! At this time in my life I could easily be blogging here 5 days a week, building a new site, working full time,  keeping up with obligations, and then completely forget that what matters is I have a healthy happy family and a beautiful season to enjoy. 

It is easy to look back and regret on things not done, to keep dreaming of everything we want in the future and then completely neglect everything that is in front of us today. 

So while there may be crickets on here, I am busy living the present. And preparing for some really exciting things to come! 

Happy Monday all, I hope your Easter weekend was beautiful ♥

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