Saturday, September 28, 2013


 Forever 21 Sweatshirt, Jacket, Heels // Target Bag // American Eagle Denim

Happy weekend you crazy kids! These were taken last weekend when it actually felt like fall- when layering a soft cozy sweatshirt and a (p)leather jacket wasn't inconceivable. This Indian Summer is killing me, I am beyond ready to change over my closets but mother nature keeps cranking up the thermostat. Rude.

I'm still fighting whatever illness I have contracted- so I am mini marathoning Once Upon a Time and snuggling with Stella Bean. The one and only being who isn't afraid of catching the plague, such a sweet selfless little thing she is.

Fingers crossed tomorrow I feel loads better so I can enjoy some of the weekend out of the apartment- even if it's simply a run to Starbucks for a PSL

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